Monday, July 28, 2008

100 people you know

100 People You Know: Really Long and Extremely Amusing!

O.k. Start to Name the 100 People You Know
1.: Meghan
2.: Caroline
3.: Stephanie
4.: Leslie
5.: Alex
6.: Dave
7.: Sammie
8.: Christen
9.: Salome
10.: Elizabeth
11.: Chad
12.: Mom
13.: Dad
14.: Melissa
15.: Ashley
16.: Gina
17.: Nick
18.: Julie
19.: Lisa
20.: Taylor
21.: Colby
22.: Drew
23.: Aunt Cindy
24.: Uncle Ken
25.: Jackie
26.: Amy
27.: Uncle Bruce
28.: Aunt Jeanie
29: Uncle Mike
30.: Uncle Joe
31.: Pam
32.: Sam
33.: Mike (from Porter's)
34.: Gloria (from Porter's)
35.: Victor
36.: Garza
37.: Mellet
38.: Gallucci
39.: Ms. Hahn
40.: Ms. Hudecek
41.: Mr. Connelly
42.: Mr. P
43.: Ms. Hulse
44.: Mr. Bixby
45.: Ms. Henning
46.: Ms. Younsi
47.: Mr. Lenhardt
48.: Mr. Zadoorian
49.: Howell
50.: Sam
51.: Brian
52.: Maya
53.: Elle
54.: Cabrina
55.: Jared
56.: Mariele
57.: Alex (J)
58.: Manpreet
59.: Greg
60.: Frank
61.: Dylan
62.: Fiona
63.: Sarah (P)
64.: KK
65.: Jordan
66.: Dylan (C)
67.: Richelle
68.: Sufyan
69.: Chad (B)
70.: Gloria (from home)
71.: Mrs. Sutherland
72.: Ms. Berry
73.: Ms. Leone
74.: Mandy
75.: Meaghan (D)
76.: Karleigh
77.: Brianna
78.: Kenny
79.: Jeremy
80.: AU
81.: John
82.: Laurie
83.: Emily
84.: Adam
85.: Stephanie (K)
86.: Kate
87.: Gary
88.: Kathrine
89: Nick (S)
90.: Garth
91.: Brandon
92.: Camilla
93.: CJ
94.: Blake
95.: Rachel
96.: Tori
97.: Ali
98.: Alli
99.: Lauren (Z)
100.: Erin
About All these Wonderful People: Okay!
Why did you make number 1 number one out of 99 others?: I was going by my lunch table and she sits at the head of the table
Why aren't numbers 2 or 3 number 1?: Because of where they sit
Do you think number 100 would be mad that they're this far down?: Probably not.. haha
Have you and number 51 ever gone out to eat together?: Haha no
What about you and 72?: No
Do number 8 have a dog?: Yes
What color is 15's hair?: Brown
Are you related to 4?: No
Have you ever kissed 69 (on the lips)?: No
Are you really even friends with 81?: Kind of..
Have you ever made cookies with 5?: No
Why is 7 always there for you?: We've been friends for so long
Is 6 one of your good friends?: I just broke up with him, so I would like him to be, but probably no :(
Have you ever gone on vacation with 10?: No
What about 9?: No
Rate 16 on a scale of 1-10 all in all: 9 or 10
When is 21's birthday?: May 18
Does 82 have a myspace?: No
Have you ever spent more than an hour out of school or work with 45?: No
If you don't go to school or work have you ever spent more than this w/them: No
Is 28 a boy?: No
Ever done anything sexual with 17?: No
Do you even like 98?: Yes
Who do you spend more time with, 96 or 58?: Not sure.. 96?
Are you related to 33?: No
Does 11 live in the city?: What city?
How close are you with 12?: Very
How old is 18?: I forgot.. :/
Have you ever slept over 22's house?: No
What about 44's?: No
Would you ever go to the movies on a date with 55?: Yes
How would you label 26?: idk.. nice?
Have you ever eaten a hamburger with 94?: No
What color is the place 79 lives in?: idk
How old is 85? Are they close in age to you?: Probably around 19, kind of ish
Has 99 ever seen your house?: I don't think so
Has 66 ever been to your house?: No
What color eyes does 30 have?: idk.. I think brown maybe
Does 90 like sports?: idk
Have you and 14 ever had an argument?: Yes
Do you feel 13 likes their life?: Yes
How has 76 impacted you? Have they even impacted you?: Uh, not really
Does 19 know your family well? Or are they your family?: She is family
Are you friends with 35?: No
Does 48 know your best friend?: Probably
Does 25 know a lot about you?: I guess
What about 65?: Probably not
Have you ever gone to a park with 37?: No
Does 43 drive?: Yes
Have you ever been to a party with 83?: Possibly
Would you trust 20 with your life?: Not sure
What about 1, 2, and 3?: Maybe
Has 34 seen you naked?: No
What about 97?: No
Have you ever eaten pizza with 56?: Probably
Do you love 57?: idk.. I mean, I love everyone in the world, but not in a romantic way, no
Is 31 always there to support you?: idk
Does 53 like to cause you harm?: No
How funny is 88?: Quite
Does 24 have short or long hair?: Short
What about 32?: Long
Have you ever been to 27's house?: idk
Is 23 a lot like you?: idk
Has 29 known you since you were little?: Yes
Has 64 ever done your hair?: No
Have you ever had a crush on 60?: No
Why did you even put 70 on your list?: idk
Does 50 act like they're 50 (years old)?: No
Have you gone a lot of places with 40? If so what was the best?: No I haven't
93 told me you guys have had a lot of fights, is this true?: No
95 says you guys have so many inside jokes. Do you think so?: Not really. We might have one that I forgot about...
Have you ever gone trick or treating with 46?: No
What does 52's hair look like?: idk
Have you even met 89?: Yes
Does 63 like to have fun?: Probably
Is 61 a girl?: No
What about 59?: No
Do I really want to know 86?: Yes she's really really nice
Give one reason 87 is unique.: idk
Does 74 wear a lot of bright colors or more black?: idk
Is 41 taller than you?: Yes
Do you spend a lot of time with 38?: No
I heard you've been to the mall and the movies with 36. True?: No
Does 54 have a TON of friends or a few good ones?: Probably a ton..
Would you go on a trip around the world with 39?: Maybe
What about 49?: Haha that would be fun
Who's 47's best friend?: idk
Is 42 going out with anyone. If so who? Are they on the list?: No, he's married
Why isn't 75 on the first half of your list?: I didn't think of her right away
Is 92 super friendly and perky?: I guess
Is 91 friends with 92?: No
How do you 80 and 84 get along?: We've never really been altogether the three of us
Does 67 have a cat?: idk
Where does 71 live?: idk
Have you and 68 had soo many memories, its hard to remember them all?: Yes
How long has 78 known you?: A year or two
What about 77?: The same
Ever been on a roller coaster with 73? If not a real one then an emotional?: No, no
Few More Questions About the 1st 10
Would 1 and 2 ever go out?: I can't imagine it happening
Are you 9, and 10 all great friends?: Kind of
How much do you love 5?: um...
Why are these people in your top 10?: They're at my lunch table or amazing
Is this list in a very special order?: From my view at the table
How close are you and 3?: Quite
What about you and 4?: The same
Is 6 just the greatest?: Um, sure haha yeah <3
Are 7 and 8 great friends?: Not really :(
About the Whole List
Do you think you'll always know these people?: Some of them
Have they all made major differences in your life?: Not all, but a lot
Is there someone you wish you wouldve added but forgot?: Probably
Were you undecided about this person?: N/A
How many of these people have you gone on vacation with?: idk
If your not the vacation type then how many have you gone 2 the mall with?: idk
Do you love a lot of these people A LOT?: Yes
Do you think you'll know 100 in 25 years?: Not all 100
What about 99?: No
Have you ever gone through rough times with any of them?: Yes
How many have you dated?: One
Did numbers 1-50 have a bigger impact on u then 51-100?: Probably
Why did you say yes or no?: Because of the order, but I'd have to look
Will you ALWAYS remember these people no matter what?: Yes

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