Thursday, July 17, 2008

1000 Questions!

Longest Survey Ever. CAN YOU do 1000 questions?

Hi, whats your name?: Bree or Brianna
Did you know, I was making a survey, I got to question 250, and it closed?: Really, that sucks
:(: ;(
Would you date your best friend?: No
On a date, who should pay?: The guy, but the girl should try to pay
What's your IQ?: 110..I think?
Is there an ad on the side of this page?: Yes
What's it of?: Vonage
What's the fastest you've ever been in a car?: 120ish
A song ever made you cry?: Yes
A movie?: Yes
Book?: Yes
What was the last movie you watched?: The Princess Bride
Who was the hero?: Wesley
What was the rating?: Not sure...probably PG
Would your mom approve?: Yes
What are you looking forward to?: Going to camp tomorrow
What would you do if you were pregnant?: I don't even know
What time is it?: 6:06 pm
How long are you williing to spend on a survey?: A couple hours
Do you take breaks?: Only if I have to. Which I will, because dinner's in a few minutes
Do you rock at Guitar Hero?: No. I suck at it. I once failed...on easy...playing Slow Ride. Sad, but true
Who is your favorite Jonas Brother?: idk
Did you like High school Musical?: I guess
Have you ever told someone (who isn't your family/friends) you Love them?: Yes
Do you kiss your friends on the cheek?: No
Lips?: No
Ever been on a diet?: No
Play an instrument?: I used to play violin and piano. And who can forget playing the recorder in Mr. P's class?
Is the Clarinet sexy?: Sure..
Do you believe in God?: Yes
Karma?: Not sure
Let's say Karma exists. What is yours like?: No idea
Let's say Heaven/Hell exists. If you died now, where are you headed?: Heaven
Does that scare you?: Heaven is good
Are you okay?: Yes
How long are you willing to wait for true love?: About 10-15 years. Wow. That makes me sound patient
What is the most you've ever eaten in one sitting?: No idea
Do you pray a lot?: Kind of
What's your bed made of?: Metal
What do you think of teenybopper mags like J14 & Bop!: They're..okay
Do you have any posters in your room?: Yes
Who is the sexiest superhero?: idk
How many songs are on your iPod?q: 200 something
What's your ringtone?: Flashing Lights (Kanye West)
Do you know anyone who's "perfect?": No
Would you date yourself?: If I was bi, lesbian, or a guy? Maybe
Are you prettier than all your friends?: Why would I answer that?
Do you ever look in the mirror and think "God, i'm pretty!": Um, no
Have you ever walked by a shop window and checked yourself?: Quite possibly haha
Have you changed in the past year?: I guess
Which of your friends has changed the most?: Not sure
What grade are you in?: I'm going into eighth
What show can you absolutely NOT stand?: Not sure
Do you like surgical shows?: Sometimes
Can you entire life change in a second?: Possibly
Ever been on a boat?: Yes
Do you like nautical print?: Not sure
Do you think you could be a model?: No
Would you ever wear mint green tights?: Not sure
Pink legwarmers?: Not sure
Mint tights & pink legwarmers?: Probably..not
Isn't Chelsea Staub just so ick?: I guess
If you don't know who that is, just google her.: Okay
Isn't she ick?: Not necessarily, but maybe
Can you complete these song lyrics:: Maybe
"Up and down, you're all around. Say . . . ": idk
Would you rather have no eyebrows or no eyelashes?: No eyelashes
Are you buying these CDS when they come out:: idk
Ali Lohan's: No
Lindsay Lohan's: Maybe
Jonas Brothers' A Little Bit Longer: Probably not
Miley Cyrus' Breakout?: Probably not
Demi Lovato's?: No
Selena Gomez's?: No
What do you think of Zac Efron?: He's okay
Do you know who Zacquisha is?: Zac Efron and..someone named Lakisha??? haha
Do you find Selena Gomez annoying?: Sure
Did you know she's really mean in real life?: Really?
What's worse: Seeing your ex with someone else or being alone?: Being alone
Do you have someone who loves you no matter what?: Sure
What age do you wanna get married?: 20s
Quick! Make a wish!: Okay!
I'm no fairy, so I can't guarentee anything.: Alright... :(
Ever done an all nighter?: Yes
Ever had a cliche sleepover party with hair braiding, and gossip?: I think...
If you saw your first crush in the street, what would happen?: I'd be like, "Oh, hey"
What's the weirdest day of the week?: Tuesday
Ever had a Jamaican meat patty?: No
What's your ethnicity(ties?): Italian, Irish, French, Dutch, and German
What do you think of men in short shorts?: Um...
What's your middle name?: Angela
Named after anyone?: My great grandmother by my middle name
Would you change your name?: No
What do you think of the name LaTiphaneigh?: It's...interesting
Know anyone who would name their kid LaTiphaneigh?: I don't think so..
Ever talked to anyone who was really drunk?: Not sure
Ever had a really unpleasant cab ride?: No
Ever laughed out loud at the TV?: Yes
Ever laughed out loud at Seinfeld?: I think
You've done 100 questions! Congrats!: Yay!
How do you feel about teeny scene posers?: Um...
Are you sick right now?: No
What mouthwash do you use?: idk
What time is it?: 6:54 and I already had dinner
Isn't Christian Bale so sexy?: Yeah
Who is the sexiest superhero?: idk and you already asked that
Are you going to see the new Batman movie?: No
I am because Batman/Christian Bale makes me swoon. hahaha.: haha
Would you spray paint your phone number on the Jonas Brothers' tour bus?: No
Girls have.: I believe you
Do you hate E True Hollywood Stories?: I guess
Do you know who Ted Bundy is?: No
Do you own anything from Tiffany & Co?: No
Does your town/city suck?: No
Where does your best friend live?: In this town
You may want to go make some tea, cuz the questions are getting XTREEMMEEEE: Cool
Do you have a job?: Yes
Ever worked double shift?: No
Ever been arrested?: No
Ever done something illegal?: You asked already, and kind of
Do you have cable?: Yes
Do you do your own laundry?: Sometimes
Do you read Gossip Magazines?: No
Gossip sites?: Sometimes
Who is your favorite Tila Tequila contestant?: idk
Hate anyone right now?: No
What color is your undies? :]: Pink
Can you sing?: No
How are you at Halo?: idk..?
Like old music?: I guess
Do you think your beautiful?: Sort of
Have you seen the English Patient?: No
What was so good about it?: idk
Do you like knee socks?: Sort of
Do you ski?: Not really
Who was your first kiss?: Ashton :/ . But it wasn't like, intense
Ever been to some sort of band camp?: No
Do you know what TNA is?: I forgot at the moment, but maybe
Do you like cheesy romance novels?: Sure
Would you ever go to Camp Rock?: idk
East High?: Maybe
Do you get paranoid late at night?: Yes
Have you seen Flight 29 Down?: No
Do you like AM radio?: I guess
Do you turn the radio on for company?: No
Where is your birth father?: My dad
Is there something you really want to say to someone right now?: Yes
What was your most akward moment with a guy?: idk
How old do you look?: 13 I guess
In the shower, do you start the water then get in, or get in first?: I start the water and then get in
Do you play animal crossing?: No
Can you change a flat tire?: No
Do you have a label?: Probably
How's your mom?: She's good
Do your parents even like you?: Yes
What was the last thing you bought?: A root beer and ice cream
Are you ticklish?: Yes haha
Is tickling cute or annoying?: Depends
Ever won anything?: Yes
Do you kill bugs?: Yes
Are you an environmentalist?: I don't think..
Do you take the bus?: No
What would you do without Bzoink?: I don't know!
Do you think uggs are for greedy girls?: No
Can a girl and a guy be Just friends?: Yes
Have you ever started a rumor?: I may have, but I'm not sure
Have you ever been confronted?: About what?
Have you ever confronted someone?q: Again, about what?
Do you smoke?: No
Would you ever be a waitress at a 50s diner?: Maybe
SOS by Rihanna or S.O.S by the Jonas Brothers?: Rihanna, probably
Do you like the smell of axe?: Kind of
Does it stink?: No
What was the best year of your life?: 2008 I think
Ever had a summer romance?: This is the closest I've been
Ever had any really fake friends?: I think
Are you in love with three boys from New jersey?: No
Named Nick, Kevin, and Joe? ;): omg, you're like, obsessed with them
What's the nicest thing anyone's ever done for you?: Not sure
Do songs ever remind you of colors?: Um, no
Who lives in your house with you?: My parents and sister
Have you ever paid on a date?: For gum for the two of us..and now that I think of it, I think for subs a couple times. The gum I insisted, the subs it's not like I had a choice haha
What's the longest survey you've ever done?: This one
How old were you when you started wearing makeup?: 13
What do you think of those wannabe teeny six graders who wear eyeshadow?: idk
Ever had a movie marathon?: I think...
How many times have you seen Mean Girls?: idk but I LOVE THAT MOVIE
What do you think of Jeffree Star?: Um..
What if he was dating your mom?: Awkward...
What if he was dating your dad?: Worse
Where is the weirdest place you've ever fallen asleep?: Not sure
Aren't the kittens on the toilet paper bags SO cute?: What toilet paper do you use?
Do you have an Inner Circle?: idk
Who's the prettiest?: idk
Is a Jonas brothers shirt a band t-shirt?: Yes
Socks or no socks?: No socks
Barefoot or shoes?: Barefeet
Ever gone out and callen someone fat or ugly?: I don't think so...
Ever rejected someone?: Yeah, but only like, once and that was because I was taken. I regretted it later, though
What's your theme song?: idk
What do you do in the summer?: Go on vacation and to camps
Are you bored?: No
Is The News just depressing?: Yes
Ooh, we passed the 200 question mark. :): Yay!
Do you have a facebook/myspace?: Yes
Where was your profile picture taken?: Lake George, NY
Do you like lipgloss?: Yes
Do you believe in miracle lip plumpers?: Sure
What song do you ALWAYS sing along to?: Do You Like Waffles? haha
When was the last time you wore a dress?: At a Bat Mitzvah last month
What was the last TV show you watched?: Not sure..I haven't watched TV in a long time
What was the last song you played over and over and over?: Dangerous
Would you ever leave your drink alone?: Maybe
Isn't Anne Hathaway kind of annoying?: I guess
Ever been so in love that you just giggled randomly?: Yeah
Is your pet allowed on the couch?: Yes
Are you pyschic?: No
Can you feel your hipbones?: Yes
What do you think of bellypiercings?: They're okay
Who is the most important person in your life?: Not sure
Ever had an emotionally destructive relationship?: Kind of...
Ever stayed in bed for an entire day?: No
When was the last time you slept somewhere other than your bed?: Last night
Where did you sleep?: In a college dorm
RANDOM: I love random!
Can you do this survey until the end?: Yes!
Are you a rambler?: Sometimes
How many piercings do you have?: Two
Are hip piercings pointless?: Hip piercings?
Ever been to Australia?: No
Do you have freckles?: No
Do you hate them?: No
Do you know what a wenis is?: Yes
You have a sick mind. It's the skin around your elbow. :): Yes I do, and I know
What's your favorite band?: idk
What would you do if you were asked to join it?: idk
Where do you wish you grew up?: Wyoming
Do you like farms?: Sure
Do you know anyone with the same name as you?: Yes
Is your name common?: Kind of
Do you have a Bzoink account?: Yes
What is the best compliment you've ever gotten?: idk
Are you a morning person?: Yes
Or a night owl?: Yes
How often do you moisturize?: idk
Anyone ever called you beautiful?: Yes
Are you bang bang scene?: No
If you were a tree, what tree would you be?: idk
What would be your last meal?: Ice cream!
If you could get away with anything, would you murder someone?: No
Was your parent(s) hot in the day?: idk
What do you think of Vanessa Hudgens?: She's okay
And her photo scandal?: Umm
Age range of people you've kissed in the past two years?: 10-13
Complete the lyrics:: okay
"One of has got to say, we can't keep living this same way. So i'll . . . ": idk
What are your chances of being with your crush?: N/A
Ever been to a funeral?: Yes
Do you take a lot of pictures of yourself?: Sometimes
Do you own anything chanel?: No
What does your wallet look like?: It's black and coach
Are you rich?: Kind of
Richer than your friends?: idk
What do you think of Justin Timberlake?: He's kind of hot
Does what goes around really come back around?: Usually
Or is that just a song?: It's a song too
What are you listening to?: Lip Gloss
What do you like about that song?: The third verse
What do you hate about that song?: idk
Are your legs prickly right now?: No
Whats your favorite kind of muffin?: Chocolate chip
When was the last time you cried?: A few hours ago
Are you a happy person?: Yes
Do people think you're a downer?: idk
Ever been ditched?: No
What's a time in your life you'd LOVE to erase?: Not sure
What superpower do you want?: idk
Ever been attracted to someone's parent?: No
Did they ever find out?: N/A
Did their daughter/son ever find out?: N/A
Do you have a fax machine?: No
Do you ever use it?: N/A
What do you want to be when you grow up?: idk
Have you planned out your life?: Not really. I'm pretty confused
Do you like the name Lydia?: Kind of
Are you a good writer?: Yes
Are you an english-arts person or a math-science person?: English-arts by far
What's your favorite kind of accent?: British
Are you proud of your religion?: Yes
Are you sick of this survey yet?: No
Good, because we're reaching the 300 mark.: Sweet
Ever been cat called?: ?
Ever been RUDELY cat called?: ?
Own anything Hollister?: YES
Whats your favorite piece of clothing?: idk
Do you/did you own Chinese slippers?: No
Ever thrown a tantrum in a public place?: No
Own a BluRay?: idk
Is Big Rob for real?: Sure..
Do you paint?: No
300 mark! Actually, 302 mark.: Yay!
Ever had a big mall cookie?: Yes
Isn't Lizzie McGuire the worst show ever?: Sure..
Did you know the little brother is Stickler in Cory in the House?: Really?
Did you know Cory in the House was cancelled??: No :( I used to love it
Seen the Disney Channel games?: Yes
Do you hate bands who forget their fans?: I guess
Simon Cowell or Ryan Seacrest?: Ryan
Timberland or T Pain?: T-Pain
What kind of name is T Pain?: idk
Have you seen Carrie?: idk
Wasn't it lame?: I guess
Do you surf?: No
Have you ben outside USA?: Yes
What are you going to do after you finish this survey?: Go to bed..?
Will you even finish this survey?: Yes
Do you make surveys?: Sometimes
Do you take your own surveys?: Yes haha
Do you like the beach boys?: I guess
Can you tell i'm a Jonas Brothers fanatic?: Yes
Or am I low key?: NO
Are you?: ?
Would you rather meet Zac Efron or Chase Crawford?: idk
Did you know Taylor Momsen is only fourteen?: Really?
Do you like your friends?: Yes
Pick five friends:: Okay!
1.: Caroline
2.: Christen
3.: Sammie
4.: Meghan
5.: Stephanie
Is number one your best friend?: Kind of
Are they annoying?: idk I guess haha :D
What's the wackiest thing you've ever done?: There are too many..
Ever been out on the town with them?: Yes
What's their mom's name?: Betsy
Is number two good looking?: Yes
Do they like the Jonas Brothers?: idk
Would you go out with them if they were the opposite sex?: idk
Are they good advice givers?: Yes
How old are they?: 13
Is number three a blonde?: No
Do they gossip a lot?: I guess
Ever wanted to kiss them?: No
What religion are they?: idk..I think she's Christian..
What was your worst fight?: idk
Is number four mean?: NO
How did you meet?: School
What's their favorite storee?: Hot Topic?
When was the last time you called them?: The other day..?
What's their favorite song?: idk
Does number five even exist?: Yes
Do they do surveys too?: idk
Do they have a facebook?: No
Are they ugly?: NO
What's their favorite food?: idk
Okay.: Yup
What do you think of Jessica Simpson?: idk
Has it been an hour since you started yet?: Yes, but I had to take some breaks
How long are you willing to go?: As long as it takes
Okay, how long am I willing to go making this surveyy ehh.: 1000 questions!
If you answered idk for 85% of this quiz, then go jump off a cliff plz.: Not quite that many...haha
DETAILED ANSWERS. idk is not an answer!!: Okay
Ever bullied anyone?: No
Ever been bullied?: In like, first grade
How long have you been single?: N/A
Do you wish you were fourteen again?: Sure haha
Do you like the name natalie?: Yes
Is everyone equal?: Yes
Any mosquito bites?: Yes
Do you know the band Tears for Fears?: No
Ever read The Outsiders?: Not yet
The Chrysallids?: Same
Have any frienemies?: I guess
Would you ever eat a possum?: Ew no
A possum muffin?: No
What if all the cool kids were doing it?: I almost put idk, but seriously...probably not
Do you go to a parent for advice?: Sometimes
Ever seen a gynecologist?: No
Would you date one?: Not sure
Is it my business?: I guess not
Are any of these questions my business?: Good point
What day is it?: Saturday
What are you looking forward to?: Camp
What do you think of the song Apologize?: It's good
Shop at Winners?: No
Do you NEED anyone?: Family and friends
Are you top priority in someone besides your family's life?: Maybe
Are you a cheerleader?: No
Do you hate teenys who pretend to be hot cheerleaders over the net?: I guess
Have an AIM?: Yes
Ever gotten revenge on someone?: I guess
Is your mom cute?: idk
Ever had someone you loved to hate?: For a while..
Do you know what an Honesty Box is?: No
Ever gotten a nasty message from that?: No
Is there such thing as the perfect man?: Maybe
Do you think Lindsay Lohan will ever make a comeback?: Maybe
How about Britney Spears!: Maybe
402 Questions! Thats why I put an exclamation after that question.: Cool!
Did you play in the streets?: Sometimes
Have you ever been superemo after a breakup?: No
Ever had friends with benefits?: I guess
Ever been so embarrased you just ran away and hid?: I think
Ever tried to read the bible?: Not yet..I read a couple pages though. It's really good :)
Are you excited for school?: Not sure
Are all your friends prettier than you?: No
Does your friend have a boyfriend who's really ugly?: No
Really hot?: Maybe
Do you have any spots you miss while shaving?: Yes
Addicted to anything?: No
Do you like Taylor Swift?: I guess
Isn't she just the prettiest?: I guess
Ever yelled SHOTGUNNN: Yes
Do you live in a state, province, or territory?: Yes
What is it called?: New York
Do you live in Seattle?: No
Do you want to?: Sure
Would you rather listen to heavy metal or bluegrass?: Not sure
Do you live on a farm?: No
What do you hide from your parents?: Not sure
What's your favorite lollipop flavour?: Not sure
Ever had green apple?: Yes
Are you planning on going to bed soon?: Yes
Because later, i'm planning on going to bed?: Cool
Do you know who Joe Simpson is?: No
Denise Jonas?: No
Maris Crane?: No
The Tiz?: No
Obviously you don't read Perez if you couldn't answer the one above.: Yeah
Is God a DJ?: I have that song on my iPod! And yes, He is
Is the world a dance floor, a runway, or a stage?: A dance floor
What's the weirdest thing in your glove compartment?: N/A
Would you ever drive a pink car?: Maybe
A pink mini cooper?: Yes!!
Did you ever like Jesse McCartney?: Not like a crush
Did you know Mitchell Musso & David Henrie have tattoos? :o: Really?
And Mitchell Musso is a pothead?: Are you serious?
Don't believe me?: I don't Wow
All the disney gossip haha.: Yeah
I have no life.: I know
do you?: Sometimes
What age does one become an adult?: 18
What age does one become a teen?: 13 duh
What age is legal in your country?: 18
Do you even know what that means?: Yes
Do you know any really young kids with myspace/facebook?: No comment
If you were a parent, would you let your 6th grader on myspace?: Probably not
Do you watch Roseanne?: No
Isn't her wardrobe just awful?: Sure
Do you remember the 90s?: Yes
Do you think American Apparell is just a bunch of shiny crap?: Okay
Have you ever camped out for a band/show?: No
Do you think Kate and William should just get MARRIED ALREADY?!: I guess
Do you think 11 seasons is too long for a show?: No
Would you go against all your morals/beliefs for a hundred grand?: Not sure
Do you have your phone nearby?: Yes
Grab it.: Okay
Whats your wallpaper?: A vending machine warning sign
Phone?: Yes
How many text messages do you have?: A lot
Who was the last person who texted you?: Meghan
What did the text say?: Yeah
How did you reply?: I didn't
What is this person's ringtone?: Not sure
When was the last time you saw them?: A couple weeks ago
Would you drop 50 pounds right now?: Probably not
Do you know your BMI?: ??
Have you ever been really akward in Health Class?: No
Have you ever set something on fire?: Not sure
Have you ever written all over a chalkboard?: Yes
Then gotten in trouble?: No
Does your school use SMART! Boards?: Are those the dry erase ones? Yes
Friends or Boyfriends?: Friends
Guys or girls?: Girls
Are your friends jealous when you hang out with other people?: No
Does your mom like your friends?: Yes
How often do you get the hiccups?: Rarely
What's your reputation around school?: Alright
What would you write on your tombstone?: A nice epipath
Do you read Pon & Zi?: No
How about Cyanide & Happiness?: No
Do you like the name Harriet?: I guess
Any xs in your AIM name?: One
Ever seen gay guys PDA?: No
Gay girls?: No
A straight couple?: Yes
Do you watch Lifetime?: No
Bravo?: No
When was the last time you saw your crush?: N/A
Have you seen your celebrity crush in person before?: No
Ever been to a movie premiere?: No
Do you want to be an actor?: I used to
Can you dance?: No
Do you like Champagne?: No
Popsicles?: Yes
QUESTION 500!! Almost there . . .: Yay!
Does this feel like a marathon?: Yes
What soap do you use?: Not sure
Do you like the smell?: Yes
Ever been on Broadway?: No
Would you ever use Cinnamon mouthwash?: Probably not
Would you ever stuff 100 cinnamon hearts in your mouth?: No
For a thousand dollars?: Yes
To marry Joe Jonas?: OMG!!! ;(
Well back off, cuz hes mine hahaha.: Okay
:D: :)
Did that statement make you groan?: Kind of
Do you feel a little tired of this quiz yet?: No
Is your family annoying?: No
What is the worst movie ever?: Not sure
Will you ever go see Space Chimps?: Haha idk
Are you going to buy the new Twilight book?: YES!
Do you think Bella will be better with Edward or Jacob?: Edward
Or neither?: N/A
Do you roleplay?: I guess
Do you like redheads?: Sure
Are you a noob?: Sure
Are you guilty of chatspeek?: Sometimes
Do you chatspeek on text messaging?: Yes
Have you ever added a robot on MSN or AIM?: Yes haha
Do you have a SideKick?: No
Have you ever had a really good dream, and was mad about waking up?: Yes
Do you have a curfiew?: No
Ever had a nightmare?: Yes
Ever read a self help book?: Yes haha
Ever been on medication?: Yes
Are you interesting?: Yes
Prove it.: I don't need to (burn)
Do you have anything pierced?: Ears
Are bellypiercings sexy?: Ummm..
Tongue piercings?: ..
Privy Piercings?: .
Do you own any friendship bracelets?: I don't think
Would you get your lover's name tattooed on yourself?: No
Would you ever get tattoed?: No
Do you have razor burn?: No
Dry hair?: No
How do you cure dry hair?: Not sure
Cuz I have it.: Oh, okay
:): :D
Do you straighten your hair?: Sometimes
How often?: A couple times a month
I straighten every day.: Okay
That's why I have dry hair.: Oh alright
FYI.: Thanks
Okay back to you.: Thanks
What's your favorite candy?: Chocolate
Does anyone have a crush on you?: Not sure
Have you ever had an enemy turn into a friend?: No
A friend turned into an enemy?: Yes
Had a camp boyfriend?: No
Do you fit in?: I guess
Wear a thong?: ..
Spandex?: ..
Tight pants?: ..
Can you crush make mustard yellow tight pants look good?: ..
Mine can. :D: Great
Ever taken photography pictures?: Not sure
And then came out suckish?: N/A
Ever used a film camera?: No
A disposable camera?: Yes
Have a daily routine?: Yes
Excersize?: Sometimes
Are you sexy?: Sure
Pads or Tampons?: ..
Do you wear a piece of jewelery every day?: Not sure
Nearest thing to you thats green?: Shirt
What are your neighbors like?: Nice
Can you bake?: Not sure
Ever had Lemon Cheesecake?: No
Do you use the computer at the library?: Not anymore
Do you like Princess Daisy?: Sure
Are you a princess?: Okay I guess
Where do you plan to live in 10 years?: Not sure
Where will your life be in a year?: I'll be anxiously awaiting high school
Five years?: I'll be anxiously awaiting college
Twenty five years?: No idea
Five million years?: :D
What shape are your nails in?: Not sure
Do you keep up appearances?: I guess
Ever been involved in a scandal?: No
Do you like bath stuff?: I guess
What do you usually get for your birthday?: Clothes, gift cards, and something really big
Do you like yourself?: Yes
If you could be someone else for a day, who would it be?: Dave. That would be..interesting
What time is it?: 9:19 am (I was forced to go to bed)
Do you think things through?: I guess
What is your guilty pleasure?: I'm not sure
If you could choose to get a new Camera, iPod, or Phone, which one?: I'm not sure. Maybe a camera
Do you believe in magic?: I guess
What toothpaste do you use?: Crest
Toothbrush?: Not sure
Do you even brush?: Yes
Do you floss?: Sometimes
If it cost 10 cents to do this survey, would you pay?: Yes
600th QUESTION!!!!!!!: Yay!
What was your longest relationship?: 6 months
Shortest?: One hour
Ever online dated?: Habbo Hotel count? haha
Would you pay money to find your true love online?: Not sure
Is there such thing as an only love/true love/soulmate?: Yeah
Who do you think is yours?: I have no idea
Do you have any clothing that your mom does not approve of?: I don't think so
Have you ever gotten a gag gift?: No
How about a singing telegram?: No
Do you usually hate people for no reason?: No
Like people just cuz their pretty?: Maybe
Hate people just cuz their pretty?: No
How long did it take you to memorize your phone number?: A couple minutes
What was your locker combo last year?: Sixth grade was 0 10 32, and last year as in a month ago was 16 48 36
Have you ever believed in fairies?: Yes
Are you stressed or pissed off right now?: No
What was the last phonecall you got?: My dad
Have you beendoing this survey nonstop or have you taken breaks?: I've been taking breaks, but that's because my parents are making me :)
Are you planning anything?: Yes
What day is it today?: Sunday
Are you artistic?: I guess
Do you make your own clothes?: No
If you had to make your own clothes, would they be nice?: Yes
What if you could never shop at the mall again?: That would suck
Oprah or Ellen?: Not sure
Do you think Dr. Phil is fake?: No. I love Dr. Phil!!!
Do you think Judge Judy is fake?: I don't know
Do you think The Hills is fake?: Sure
The Hills is definitely fake, you know.: Yeah
What was the last game you played?: Swordfighting
Have any games on your phone?: No
Which ones?: N/A
Ever beat any?: N/A
How long did it take you?: N/A
Do you have the Sims?: Yes
Be honest, did you ever kill any of your sims?: Yes
On purpose?: Yes haha
What's your ringtone?: Flashing Lights (Kanye West)
Do you have Top 25 Most Played on your iPod?: Yes
Whats number one?: Who Discovered It? haha
Have you heard Shake it?: Yes
Is Trace Cyrus weird?: Sure
Isn't it kinda funny that Trace Cyrus and Mason Musso are in a band 2gether: Yeah
Sorry I had to chatspeek up there, I was running out of room.: Okay
When was the last time you sharpened your eyeliner?: Not sure
Do you even wear eyeliner?: No..:( haha
What makeup do you wear?: Um...
What order do you put it on?: Not sure
Would you rather have on just mascara, or just eyeliner?: Mascara
Just concealer or just lipgloss?: Lipgloss
Can you complete these lyrics:: Yes!
"In this crazy life, and through these crazy times . . .": It's you, it's you, you make me sing, you're every line, you're everything
Do your friends get along with eachother?: For the most part
Do your friends make you jealous?: No
Do you have a "thing" you are in the group? Like: "The short one." etc?: Sometimes they call me short
Do you listen to the radio?: Sometimes
Do you have a song on your myspace?: N/A
Does it have a hidding meaning?: N/A
Is there a song that you wish was about you?: I guess
Is it hot out?: Kind of
What would you rather be doing?: Showering, but I'm addicted to this
What's your next meal?: Breakfast
Guess which question this is?: 663
It was 663.: Wow
Did you get that right?: Yes!
Do you play eLouai?: No
Roiworld?: No
You should try them. :D: Okay
What was the worst movie ever?: Not sure
Why?: N/A
Do you know who these people are:: Probably not
Tommy Lee: No
Petra Arkanian: No
Harlow Madden: No
Amelia Aye: No
Chris Crocker: Yes
Im'a give you the answers.: Okay
Tommy Lee is a rockstar: Alright
Petra Arkanian is an Ender's game character: Oh. I should have known that
Harlow Madden is Joel Madden & Nicole Richie's kid: Oh yeah...
Amelia Aye is Joe Jonas' ex girlfriend: Oh
And Chris Crocker is the Leave Britney Alone guy.: Yay!
How many did you get right?: One
What do you usually carry around in your purse/pockets?: Money, my cell phone, and my iPod
Have you ever found money in an old purse?: Yes
Ever wear crocs with socks?: No
Do you like needles?: No
Ever gotten anything pierced and your body rejected it?: No
Is silence golden?: Sometimes
How often do you use the word "dreary?": Not sure
Did you watch The Hottie & The Nottie?: No
Why?: I didn't know about it
Any problems?: N/A
What was the last song you sang along to?: Not sure
Do you do kareoke?: No
Would you ever go on Fear Factor?: Maybe
What do you think Simon would say about you on American Idol?: You suck haha
Do you like the song Take a Bow?: Never heard it
What would you do if you had webbed feet?: Swim?
Do you drink coffee?: Sometimes
Or tea?: No
What time will it be in fifteen minutes?: 10:23 am
Do you think animal print is tacky?: I guess
Do you own anything animal print?: No
What do you think of Leopard print pumps?: Not sure
What was your first concert?: Britney Spears haha
What was your first GOOD concert?: American Idol? idk
Have you ever talked to a stranger?: Yes
Do you have dirty fingernails?: No
Do you have a bike?: Yes
Ever googled yourself?: Yes
What did you find?: A soccer player
What did you expect?: Myself
How do you get rid of hiccups?: No idea
Do you like the name Bertha?: I guess
Do you like your room?: Yes
Would you ever become a taxi driver?: Probably not
Which Celebrity would you really like to tell off?: No idea
Do you like Chloe Sevigny?: Sure
What is the world coming to? I'm listening to the news, and a 13 year old..: You're still listening to a 13 year old
stabbed another 13 year old. What the hell?: Oh...that's bad. That's really really bad.
Ever stayed in a motel?: Yes
A really fancy hotel?: Yes
Are you vintage?: Not really
Which celebrity do you think is really weird looking?: Not sure
Does Sarah Jessica Parker look like a horse to you?: Sort of
Have you ever been to No
It actually exists.: haha you're right
Haha did you know "Who is Heidi Montag" was a question on Jeopardy?: No
What is our world coming to?: No idea
How much time do you spend: ??
What was the last thing you bought?: Candy
Would you say you have a good personality?: Yes
What's better, your looks or personality?: Not sure
Are you funny?: Sometimes
Can you keep up a conversation?: Yes
Do you kiss and tell?: :)
Have you ever tried to train a pet?: Yes
Have you ever heard a parrot talk?: Not sure
Can you dance?: Not really
How do you celebrate Valentine's day?: Um...idk
Do you think that money can buy happiness?: In most
How flexible are you?: I'm not
Where do you go to get your coffee?: The Four Corners
Do you own raybands?: No
Ever been to Toronto?: No
What's a random fact about you?: I know 110 digits of pi
If you could say something to yourself four years ago, what would it be?: idk...good luck with that Ashton kid? haha
Would you rather kiss someone in the rain in the streets or on the beach?: The rain, but the beach would be sweet too
Ever been to Wonderland?: No
Can you lick your own elbow?: No
Do you want to White Water Raft?: OMG!!!!!! I did that today! And I'm going back next week! So yes!
Who was your best friend in grade 3?: Christen and Sammie
Do you still know them?: Yes
Do you care about the Stock Market?: Um...
Would you like to kiss someone in Times Square?: Sure
Are you into Abercrombie, Hollister, Aero & AE?: Yes
Or Hot Topic, American Apparel, & Urban Outfitters?: Not as much
or all six?: haha?
Would you ever wear a shirt that said: "Blang Blang Gurl!": Not sure
Do you like Frappucinos?: Yes, they're amazing
Spell your name without vowels.: Brnn
Have you ever been handcuffed?: No
What do you take for headaches?: Advil
Who was the last person you hugged?: My dad
Do you think girls kissing other girls full out on the cheek is weird?: Like as friends?
Did you hear about the messed up iPhones?: No
Did you know John Voight is Angelina Jolie's dad?: No
Can you make a puppydog pouty face?: Never tried
Does it ever work?: N/A
Are you textually active?: Yes
Do you have glow in the dark stickers?: No
Do you buy things from concerts?: Yes
Do you care when your parents fight?: Kind of
How often do they fight?: Not very
Do you have friends in other countries?: Not sure
Family in other countries?: Yes
Why are you even doing this survey?: It's long and amazing
Have you ever driven drunk?: No
What's your favorite season?: Summer
Would you rather be an artist or a writer?: Writer, like I am now
What's your favorite shade of nail polish?: Pink!
Would you ever pay 15 bucks for REALLY good nailpolish?: Not sure
Is there such thing as "feeling the love?": Yeah I guess
What is your dream date?: Not sure
Did you watch That's So Raven?: I loved that show
Did you know Eddie was a pothead in r/l?: Really?
Is this your favorite place to get surveys?: Yes
Chicken or Burgers?: Burgers
Would you rather spray tan or use a tanning bed?: Spray
Pop or Rock?: Pop
Would you rather be alone or with people?: With people
Ever tried a psychic?: Not yet
What do you wish your last name was?: Montgomery
Who is your favorite actor?: Not sure
Ever committed PDA?: Define?
Ever been in the big city?: New York?? Yes
Are you a smoker?: NO
Do you own a trenchcoat?: No
Do you have a hobby?: Yes
Is it lame?: Kind of haha
What do you wish you were better at?: Not sure
Who is the hottest person ever?: No idea
What would you do with three thousand dollars?: I don't even know
Do you wash your conditioner out with cold water?: No
If you were married, where would your husband be now?: No idea
What are you craving?: Nothing really
Do you know what OHIP stands for?: OHIP, no, IHOP, yes
What do you want your wedding dress to look like?: No idea
Would you get married today if you were dating your soulmate?: I'm only thirteen, but maybe in ten years. The person right now is pretty good, and if we can go ten years together...:)
Ever met someone who seemed really familiar?: Yes
Do you wish you were a mermaid?: I used to
What color would your tail be? :): Pink?
What's you advice to Britney Spears?: idk...Don't be retarded?
Would you have gone to Nelson Mandela's birthday party?: idk
Do you have friends you never want to let go of?: Yes
What's your mood now?: Happy and slightly tired
Why?: My day was very long but very good
Are you the kind that always has some sort of problem?: No
Or is always tired?: No
What did you think of the song Touch my Body?: I like it..a lot
How much time have you spent on this survey?: A few hours, but I keep getting interrupted. I started five days ago, haha
Are you pale?: No
Did you know if you put a straightener near a radio, the radio gets fuzzy?: Sweet!
Did you know i've been writing this survey for a day now?: Sweet!
But i've taken breaks to go shopping, and sleep,and eat, and watch TV.: Cool
Ever written a survey?: Yes
When do you think I should end this stupid thing?: Never!
I think 1000 questons is enough for me.: Okay
Do you like your boyfriends younger or older?: Not sure
How young would a guy have to be to be too young for you?: Eleven..ish?
How about too old?: Fifteen
What was the worst lie you ever told?: I stalked Osama Bin Ladin over Christmas break (first graders...)
What would you do if I told you i'll probably end up reading your results?: That would be interesting...I didn't know that was possible, haha. I wonder how many surveys I've taken that have been read
But I can only do that if you're a bzoink member.: Yeah I am
And I probably wont cuz your probably boring.: Oh thanks...haha
Ever cheaten on anyone?: No
How tall are you?: 5"3 ish
When did you stop growing?: Recently
When did you start getting your monthly present?: 12 years and 9 months old
Have you ever waited by the phone for someone?: Yes
Do you believe in the three day rule for guys?: Not really haha
No calling for three days after they get your number?: Okay..
What about the no kissing until date 3 rule?: What? That exists? No! haha
Do you want a vespa?: ?
Do you have a guardian angel?: Yes
Would you put a Jesus fish on your car for two thousand dollars?: Not sure
How many people do you trust?: A few
What's the cutest food to eat infront of a guy?: idk..?
What is the most embarrasing?: No idea
What's your hair like?: Wavy, about two inches past my shoulders, brown
Do you like it?: Yes
Do you hate it when people answer survey questions by pounding on the keys?: ?
Like: fdiufdhsdfj: Oh...yes
Are you named after anyone?: My grandmother
What pose do you do in pictures?: It depends
What's the highest you've ever counted?: Not sure
Have you ever had a crush on someone over 30?: Only once...:)
Most visited webpage?: Not sure exactly...probably Google
What's the first site on your bookmarks?: A survey on bzoink actually
Are there any circumstances where cheating is acceptable?: I don't..think
What would you do if you had a physically abusive husband?: No idea
Are you excited for the weekend?: Yes
Are you going to see a movie?: Maybe
I'll give you a movie, and you'll tell me if you're gunna see it in thea: Okay...don't expect great answers
AND WHY! Okay? No "yes" or "nos." TELL ME WHY!: You're going to hate me
Mamma Mia: idk
Wall E: idk
Space Chimps: idk
Hannah Montana: idk
Jonas Brothers 3D: idk
Get Smart: idk
High School Musical 3: idk
Hellboy 2: idk
Kung Fu Panda: idk
Wanted: idk
Meet Dave: Meet Dave?
Journey to the Center of the Earth: Probably
Dark Knight. *CHRISTIAN BALEEE*: idk
Hancock: idk
Kitt Kitredge.: idk
If you said NO too all of them, you really need to get out more. :D: haha
Do having children change people?: Probably
Would you ever adopt?: Maybe
Would you like a massage chair?: Yes
Would you ever fight someone for your crush?: Probably not
Have you ever just stopped talking to someone?: I think
What's the worst month ever?: No idea
What's the best month?: June or July..yeah I'm going for July because in June there's finals :(
Do you think diet pills work?: Not sure
Do you buy from infomercials?: No
How about the shopping channel?: No
Who was the last person you added on IM?: Not sure
Do you miss Heath Ledger?: I guess, I didn't really know much about him though
Where were you when you heard he died?: In my room
Are you proud of your culture?: Yes
What was the best christmas present you ever got?: An iPod
QUESTION 900! Just 100 questions left!: Yes!
Have you ever been in a real relationship?: Yes
Have you ever questioned your sexuality?: ...
Will you get Carpal Tunnel from this survey?: No
Do you even know what Carpal Tunnel is?: No haha
What would you do if your mom was a janitor at your school?: That would be..interesting
And people made fun of her a lot?: Oh
And started pushing her around?: That would be so sad
Do you believe in lust at first sight?: Lust at first sight?
Is lust bad?: Um...
Have you ever committed one of the seven deadly sins?: Not sure
Do you even know what they are?: Let's see, lust, greed, sloth, envy...shoot I forgot the others
Do you think the perfect guy exists?: Probably not
Have you ever met someone with two different eye colors?: No
Do you go grocery shopping in your sweats?: No
Do you shop at PiNK by Victoria's Secret?: Yes! I love PiNK!
Ever been to an all you can eat buffet?: Yes
Do people always copy your style?: No
Do you always copy other people's styles?: Sometimes haha
Have you ever eaten a bug?: I think
When was the last time you threw up?: A few months ago
Ever thrown up on purpose?: No
Do you believe love can last forever?: Yes
Or does the spark just die one day?: Not necessarily
Are you planning to post this survey anywhere?: Yes
What's the name of your rp character?: ?
Sweet or sour?: Sweet
Do you like gummy worms?: Yes
Ever had a near death experience?: Kind of
Are you a blonde?: No
Brunette?: Yes
Redhead?: No
None of the above?: No
Ever been to an Avril Lavigne concert?: No
Have you ever colored in one of those black & white smartie boxes?: No
Do you have any weird birthmarks?: No
Do you curse a lot?: Not really
Do you watch Two & A Half Men?: No
How does Charlie Sheen get all those girls?!: idk
Have you ever shoplifted?: No
Are you a gossip?: No
Will you ever try any illegal substances one day?: No
If you were sick, and had to smoke marijuana as medicine, would you do it?: Is that my only option?
Even if there was a risk you could get addicted?: Probably not
Where is your birth mom right now?: In her room
Ever been to a summer festival?: I think...
What happened last christmas?: I got some interesting things, but three people had died, so it was sad
Own a pair of wellington boots?: No
Heard of Wordgirl?: No
Ever sold your jewellery for money?: No
Ever bought something from a Pawn Shop?: No
Own any knockoff bags?: Yes
Do you like your mom's outfits?: I guess
What if she started dressing like a hoochie?: Um...
What if Amy Winehouse's song F Me Pumps was your life?: idk
Look up the lyrics.: Okay..that's interesting I guess
When was the last time you were at a theme park?: Twelve days ago
What if your life was like Jamie Lynn's?: Um...
Will her marriage to that guy Casey last?: Um..
He's just some college boy. Jamie Lynn thinks he's perfect.: Yeah
Have you ever been to Tim Horton's?: No
Ever been Ice Skating?: Yes
Do you get migranes?: No
Do you get cankers?: No
Coldsores?: Sometimes
Do you own snow pants?: idk
What was the most embarrasing year of your life?: Fifth grade probably
Are you obsessive?: idk
Do you think about death a lot?: No
Do you own a weird color of lipstick?: No
Can you spell your name without consinents?: iaa
Have you had dinner yet?: Yes
Do you have a purity ring?: No
Do you believe the Holocaust existed?: I guess
Do you know anyone who went through it?: I don't think so...
Ever been to a Parade?: Yes
a Jesus parade?: No
A Pride parade?: No
Ever ordered a pizza and have it never come??: No
Who do you respect the most?: idk
Would you ever open up your own hair salon?: No idea
Did you cut the hair off all your barbies?: No
Barbies or Bratz?: No
Do you own anything from Roxy Surf?: idk
Do you want bangs?: I'm fine with my hair like this I guess...idk
Ever burned your hair?: No
Are you a pyrophobic?: No
Ever been inside a mauseleum?: Yes
Ever been in a car while it ran out of gas?: Yes
Are you afraid of planes?: No
Ever been to the Space Needle?: No
The CN tower?: No
Do you even know where the Space Needle is?: Yes
Do you even know where the CN tower is?: Yes
Do you know where the Burj Dubai is?: No
If you don't, go laugh at yourself.: Ok haha
It's in Dubai.: Oh hahaha
Are your feet cute?: I guess..
Are you overrated?: Sure
What's the weirdest insult you've ever been called?: No idea
Let's keep going for shiz & giggles.: Okay
So, how was the quiz?: It was awesome
What time is it now?: 12:03 AM on Friday, July eighteenth 2008 AD (I started on Saturday the twelfth haha)
Did it keep you occupied?: Yes
Did you think you could finish it?: Yes
How long did it take you?: Five days haha
Are you happy you did it?: Yes
What do you rate it /10?: 10
Are you comfortable with me reading your answers?: Yes, but I don't really remember if any of the answers were awkward...probably
Do you remember the first question?: What's your name?
It was your name.: Yeah, that's what I thought
The quiz is over now.: Sweet
Psyche!: Oh, okay
Hahaha.: haha

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