Sunday, July 20, 2008

Random Survey with Grammar!

Random Survey [With Grammar]

Are your lips chapped?: No
Anything sore/hurt you right now?: Not really, but I have a bruise on my right knee
What's the last thing you spent money on?: I already forgot..
Who was the last person you hung out with?: Meghan
What did you do today?: Clean my room
Is there anyone on my mind? If so, who?: Yes, Dave
What color looks the best on you?: Pink?
Do you like the color of your eyes?: I guess
Do you have a sunburn right now?: Sort of
What was the last thing to enter your mouth?: Root beer
Who was the last person to comment you on myspace?: N/A
Do you think facebook is just a bad knock off of myspace?: No
Do you like MSN, AIM, or Yahoo better?: AIM
Do you own a webcam?: Yes
Do you watch Oprah?: Sometimes
What can your hear right now?: iTunes
Are you listening to music? If so, give me a lyric from the song.: Yes, "it's getting hot in here, so take off all your clothes. It is getting so hot, I'm gonna take my clothes off". Hot In Here, of course
Do you like blue eyes, brown eyes, or green eyes better?: Blue
Do you drool when you sleep?: I don't know
Is there anyone your waiting for to get on the computer/call you/txt you?: Yes
What is your favorite candy bar?: Chocolate
Do you put deodorant on everyday?: Yes
Was today a nice day?: Kind of
Do you have an tattoos?: No
What is the last thing you watched on TV?: I don't really watch TV, so I'm not sure. It's been a while :)
Is Pluto a planet?: Yes
Do you believe there is a God?: Yes
What country do you live in?: The US
Do you make up your own words?: Sometimes
Is your bed made?: No, because I have to put on clean sheets
Do you know anyone who self harms?: I think
Do you think rehab is for quitters?: No
Who is the most influential person in your life right now?: I'm really not sure
Are you a high school graduate?: Not yet
Do you pump up the music when your in the car?: Yes
Are you a good or bad back seat driver?: Okay
Do you even know what a back seat driver is?: Um, no haha
Are you warm or cold right now?: Warm
Do you miss anyone right now?: Yes
If you had three wishes what would you wish for:: No idea
What is the last thing you drank?: Root beer
What color is your cell phone?: I thought it was black, but apparently it's blue
Do you like the smell of Febreze?: Yes
Is your bathroom clean?: Yes
Do you know anyone who sleep walks?: Probably
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yes
Do you need braces?: I guess
Do you have any siblings?: Yes
Are you currently reading any books?: Yes
Do you like Gummy Bears?: Yes
Show three smiles you use often on the computer:: :) :D and I used to use :-), but I don't like it anymore
Have you ever been depressed?: I guess
Do you think Emo is just a look, or is it a look and personality?: It depends
Do you know any of Bon Jovi's songs?: I think
What is your current myspace song?: N/A
Do you change your myspace profile often?: N/A
Do you watch Chowder, on cartoon network?: No
What time is it right now?: 3:22 pm
When was the last time you went to the doctors?: Last month
Is there something you should be doing right now?: I don't think
Who were your last three txts from:: Meghan
Have you ever dyed your hair an outrageous color?: No
What do you smell like right now?: I don't know...shampoo?
When was the last time you went to the mall?: Not sure. It's been too long
Who were you last in the car with?: My mom
Do you run into people you know at the store often?: Not really
Who did you last call?: Sammie, but she didn't pick up. Before that I called Meghan and she picked up, though
Do you like the game Tetris?: I guess
Have you ever tried a dog treat before? If so, how did it taste?: Yes, it tasted okay
What's your favorite kind of soda?: Root beer
Is your myspace profile set on private?: N/A, but Facebook is
Do your parents have myspaces?: No, but my mom has a Facebook
Are you a funny person?: Yes
When do you normally go to bed?: It varies
What are you going to do after this survey?: Take another

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Brought to you by Bzoink

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