Monday, July 28, 2008

20 people

20 people you know.

List 20 people off the top of your head. DON'T read the questions first.: Okay
1.: Meghan
2.: Dave
3.: Caroline
4.: Stephanie
5.: Leslie
6.: Jared
7.: Victor
8.: Christen
9.: Sammie
10.: Salome
11.: Elizabeth
12.: Chad
13.: Mr. P
14.: Garza
15.: Jordan
16.: Sufyan
17.: Ashley
18.: Melissa
19.: Dylan
20.: Sam
How did you meet 13?: School
What would have happened if you hadn't met 6?: I would be happy jk
What do you honestly think of 10?: 10 is an amazing friend and yes I love the chain mail
Would 8 date 3?: I do not think so
Were you ever into 4?: Not THAT way
Would you date 5?: I'm straight, so no
Would 2 & 11 make a good couple?: idk maybe, but right now I don't want to picture 2 with anyone else
Would you go out with 14?: Yes
Describe 7 in 7 words.: I hate him even though hes hot
Do you think 15 is hot.: idk
Would 1 & 17 make a good couple?: No
Tell us something about 14.: When I first met 2, he thought I was going out with 14
Do you know any of 3's family?: Yes
On a scale of 1-10, how cute is 16?: 8 or 9
What language does 19 speak?: English
Who is 12 going out with?: He's married
When was the last time you spoke to 13?: A month or two ago
Would 18 & 10 make a good couple?: No
Would you ever date 2?: I was dating 2 until the other day when I broke up with him and now I hate myself for it, so yes I would. In a second
How'd you meet 20?: Family connections
Where does 17 live?: In the same house as me
How long have you known 19?: A couple months
Is 12 older than you?: Yes
Have you ever gone out with 7?: No
Have you kissed 5?: No
Do you find 18 attractive?: I guess
What is 6's best feature?: idk
what do you like about 10?: She's nice
Is 3 a good friend?: Yes
Out of 8, 17, 4, 16, 2 who would you sleep with?: 2

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