Monday, July 28, 2008

People I Know

25 People You Know and 75 Things You Know About Them

Name 25 people you know, in random order, off the top of your head.
Don't look at the questions before you put the names down!!!
1: Meghan
2: Dave
3: Caroline
4: Stephanie
5: Sammie
6: Christen
7: Leslie
8: Dylan
9: Melissa
10: Victor
11: Ashley
12: Chad
13: Jared
14: Blake
15: CJ
16: Sufyan
17: Mr. P
18: Mr. Bixby
19: Elizabeth
20: Salome
21: Garza
22: Mellet
23: Gallucci
24: Jordan
25: Sam
Now answer each question honestly and to the best of your ability.
What's 23's favourite colour?: idk
Who did 16 last go out with?: idk
Would you date 2?: Yes! I broke up with him the other day and I already regret it. If I could get back together with him, I so would!
Would 9 & 3 hook up, or have they ever?: No, and no
Does 13 have any piercings?: No
Do you have/have you had a crush on 5?: No
Rate 1 on a 1-10 scale of cuteness.: idk
Are 23 & 7 friends?: No
What city does 11 live in?: This one
Have you stayed the night at 21's house?: No
Who is 18's best friend?: idk
Do you know any secrets about 20?: No
Would 10 & 22 be a good couple?: Haha yes jk no
Is 17 openly gay/bi?: No
What religion does 15 have?: idk
What do you REALLY think of 19?: She's awesome
Would you trust 4 with a secret?: Yes
Do you know 25's parents?: Yes
Do you think that 6 is hot?: Well I'm straight
Do you have 8's phone number?: No
Describe how 12 dresses.: :D good
Describe 24 in three words.: theatrical random amazing
Would you ever kiss 14?: Probably not
Would 10 & 24 be a good couple?: No
What is 3's favourite animal?: Elephant?
How did you meet 15?: School
Would you visit 22 in the hospital?: Probably not
What would you do if 16 died?: That would be very tragic
What would you do if 7 had a baby?: um...
Do you think you'd be invited to a party held by 17?: It would depend haha
Is 1 your best friend?: One of them
Is 25 actually someone you know well?: Yes
Do you love 4?: Like a sister
When was the last time you spoke to 8 in person?: A month ago, but I'm dying to talk to him
Have you had drinks with 13?: No
Is 16 on Myspace?: No
Does 19 skateboard?: Probably not
Have you dated 21 or any of their exes?: No I haven't, but I wouldn't mind it
When was the last time you called 20?: idk
Have you ever given 11 a hug?: Yes
Have you cried in front of 12?: No
Does 14 know how to draw?: idk
Does 10 like children?: idk
Is 6 over the age of 18?: No
Does 2 own a dog?: Yes
Do you know 16's best friend?: Probably
Name one attractive thing about 15.: idk
What is 18's middle name?: idk
Does 9 like your favourite band?: idk
Have you seen 23 in a swimsuit?: Yes
Can 6 play an instrument?: idk I think probably
Where did you meet 17?: School
Do you think 13 and 7 should date?: Yes haha
Who is 20 going out with?: No one, I think
What would life be like if you had never met 5?: Terrible and boring
Where was the last place you've gone with 16?: N/A
Have you ever had a crush on 21?: Yes
Has 25 been to your house?: Yes
Have you seen 7's bedroom before?: Yes
Does 18 live in another town than you?: idk
Is 16 single?: Probably
Has 1 ever borrowed money from you?: I don't think so
Have you ever met 14's grandma?: No
Is 3 one of your exes?: No
Can 16 sing well?: idk
What is 23's favourite movie?: idk
What country is 12 from?: idk
Does 19 like country music?: idk
What did 22 dress up as last Halloween?: idk
Does 12 have a computer?: Yes
How much older or younger than you is 24?: Not
Do you think 10 is pretty/handsome?: Yes
What was the last reason 2 went to the hospital?: I don't know
When was the last time you saw a movie with 20?: N/A
Has 8 tried sushi?: Probably
Does 11 smoke?: No
Will 6 ever go out with 22?: idk

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