Sunday, July 20, 2008

300 Question Survey

Surveying You (Over 300)

Personal You
Name?: Bri
Age?: 13
Height?: 5"2 and 3 quarters
Eye Color?: Brown
Hair Color?: Brown
Gender?: Female
Glasses?: Yes
Contacts?: Not yet
Braces?: No
Smoke?: No
Drink?: No
Sexual Orientation?
Your Family
Mom?: Yes
Dad?: Yes
Sister(s)?: Yes
How many?: 2
Brother(s)?: No
How many?: 0
Pet(s)?: Yes
How many?: 2
What are they?: Do and rabbit
Do you get along with your parents?: Yes
Your siblings?: Yes
Do you have a lot of cousins?: Yes
Aunts?: Yes
Uncles?: Yes
How are your grandparents?: Deceased, but I suspect they're well
Who is your favorite relative?: N/A
What grade are you in?: 8th
Do you like school?: Yes
Do you get good grades?: Kind of
Do you like your teachers?: From last year? Yes
Do they like you?: Yes
What's your favorite subject?: English or Spanish
Least favorite?: Science
Have you ever failed?: No
Ever got detention?: Once
Suspended?: No
Expelled?: No
Do you like the cafeteria food?: It's okay
Are you going to college?: Yes
Will you further your education than college?: Maybe
Do you have a job?: Yes
When did you start?: Last year
How long have you been there?: A year
Where do you work?: Lake George
Do you like it?: Yes
Is it good pay?: Yes
Would you do that your whole life?: No
Is it far from where you live?: An hour and a half
Do you have a special uniform or you can wear whatever?: Uniform!
Do they have a lot of rules?: Not really
Do you like anyone at your job?: Yes
Who is your favorite person there?: N/A
What do you want to be if you dont continue this job?: Not sure
Why?: I just don't know
Would you work double jobs?: Maybe
Your House
Is your house big?: Kind of
Do you live in an apartment?: No
How long have you lived there?: All my life
Do you like it?: Yes
Do you like your neighbors?: Yes
Do you have a big yard?: Kind of
Are there trees?: Yes
Is there a garage or a shed?: Yes
How many cars do you/family have?: 3
How many tvs do you own?: 4 or 5
How many computers?: 4
Do you own any video players (e.g. X-box)?: Yes
Do you have a lot of chores?: No
Do your siblings do any?: Not sure haha
Do you get an allowance?: No :(
Do you have your own room?: Yes
What color is your room?: Blue
How many windows do you have?: 3
Do you have your own phone?: No
Cell phone?: Yes
What color is it?: Blue
Do you have a radio?: Yes
An ipod or mp3 player?: Yes
Do you have a lot of clothes?: Yes
Shoes?: Kind of
Do you have a closet in you room?: Yes
What kind of clothes do you like?: Preppy
Are they a specific name brand?: Sometimes
What about for you shoes?: Flip flops are good
How many shoes do you own?: Not sure
Do you wear jewlery?: Sometimes
What do you mostly wear?: Clothing
What colors do you mostly wear?: Pink
Do you always carry a purse/wallet?: No
Do you like to match or have different combinations?: Match
Do you share clothes or shoes with your siblings?: Sometimes
Do you wear perfume/cologne?: Sometimes
Do you wear makeup?: Sometimes
What is the most expensive clothing/shoe you've brought?: Not sure
Have you ever made your own clothing?: No
Your love
Are you single or taken?: Taken
If single go to question # 115
How long have you been with him/her?: 2 and a half months
Are you in love?: Who knows?
When did you start dating/got married?: April 29, 2008
Do they know about your exes?: Not really
Do they own a car?: No
Do they have a job?: Not sure
Are they responsible?: Um...
Would you eventualy marry them if you arent already?: Not sure
Do you want a boyfriend/girlfriend?: N/A
Do you have a crush?: N/A
Are you more for looks or personality?: N/A
What qualities would you want from them?: N/A
How old would they be?: N/A
What eye color do you prefer?: N/A
Hair color?: N/A
Interests?: N/A
Height?: N/A
Size?: N/A
Do you mind if they had glasses?: N/A
Braces?: N/A
Your Friends
Do you have alot of friends?: Kind of
List your best 5
1.: Sammie
2.: Christen
3.: Caroline
4.: Meghan
5.: Stephanie
How did you meet your first friend?: I don't even know
Second friend?: Same
Third friend?: School
Fourth?: School
Fifth?: School
How long have you known #1?: 12 and a half years
#2?: About ten years
#3?: About six years, but we've only been friends for about four
#4?: Almost two years
#5?: Two and a half years
How old is 1?: 12
2?: 13
3?: 13
4?: 13
5?: 12..I think? Maybe 13
Who is the prettiest out of all of them?: Not sure
smartest?: Not sure
funniest?: Not sure
one who is always there?: Not sure
athletic?: Not sure
toughest?: Not sure
tallest?: Stephanie
shortest?: Sammie?
shyest?: Not sure
outgoing?: Not sure
meanest?: Not sure
down to earth?: Not sure
oldest?: Caroline
youngest?: Sammie
Do you eat a lot or a little?: A lot
Do you eat snacks through out the day?: Yes
What's your favorite food?: Penne
Favorite sit down place?: Not sure
Fast food place?: Wendy's
Favorite drink?: Root beer or pina coladas
Do you like coffee?: Sometimes
Do you like candy?: Yes
Any other sweets?: Yes
Favorite dessert?: Ice cream!
Do you like Italian food?: I love Italian food
Mexican?: Yes
Chinese?: Yes
French?: Not sure
Greek?: Not sure
Spanish?: Not sure
Do you like spicy food?: Not usually
Do you like seafood?: No
What food do you dislike?: Scallops and beef stroganoff
Drink you dislike?: Not sure
Do you like dark or light colors?: Light
What color is your car?: N/A
What color is your house?: Grayish
Your parents car?: Goldish / Silver
Your favorite shirt?: Pink
What is your favorite color?: Pink
What color is your walls of your room?: Blue
The curtains?: N/A
Carpet?: Blue
Bedspread?: Blue
Do you prefer Gold or Silver?: Gold
Black or White?: White
Pink or Blue?: Pink
Music and Movies
What type of music do you like?: Hip hop / rap
Who is your favorite rapper?: Not sure
Rock Band?: Not sure
Country singer?: Not sure
Boy Band?: Not sure
Pop singer?: Not sure
Any other singers?: Not sure
How many cds do you have?: Not sure
Do you have a lot of mix cds or from the actual artist?: Both
Do you burn cds?: Yes
Do you download all your songs on your iPod or mp3 player?: Yes
Whats your favorite song and by who?: I Kissed A Girl (Katy Perry)
Who do you like the least?: Not sure
What genre of music will you never listen to?: Not sure
Do you like tv or movies better?: Movies
What's your favorite movie?: Click or Mean Girls
Favorite tv show?: Not sure
You favorite Actor?: Adam Sandler
Actress?: Not sure
Genre in movies?: Romantic Comedy. Chick flicks are good too
How many movies do you own?: Not sure
Have you got the new Blue-Ray disc ones yet?: What are they, anyway?
Will you?: Probably
What is the most amount of money you spent on a movie?: Not sure
The least?: Not sure
Do you own more cds or movies?: Movies
Would you rather watch a movie or just chill and listen to music?: Music
Your Opinion (Against or for) or you can explain your point of view!
Abortion:: Unsure
War:: Against
Presidentry:: For
Prices in todays society:: Varies
Animal Rights:: For
Cloning:: For..ish
The poor:: For. I mean, there shouldn't be poor people, but I don't have anything against them. I just think they deserve homes
Guns:: For..ish
Gang Violence:: Against
Drug Abuse:: Against
Alcoholism:: Against
Cancer:: Against
Lyrics in rap songs:: For
Movies:: For
Gas:: For
Books:: For
School Rules:: For
Dress Codes:: Against haha
Jobs:: For
Elderly:: For
Young Pregnant Teens:: Ummm... I'm against the fact that they exist...? Some of them didn't plan on getting pregnant though
Adultry:: Against
Greed:: Not sure
Anger:: Everyone has it
Laziness:: Same
Obesity:: Against. Not obese people, though, just obesity
Respect:: For
Rasicm:: Everyone's a little bit rascist sometimes...haha
Immigration:: For
Hitchhikers:: Against
Pimping:: Against
Prostitution/Strip Joints:: Against
Clubs:: For
Driving Age:: For
Drinking Age:: For
Have you Evr...(Done these things in you life?)
Have you ever sky dived?: No
Bungee jumped?: No
Stole something from a store?: No
From someone?: No
Got lost in a store?: Yes
Went on a hunt?: No
Played Man Hunt?: Yes
Played Spin-the-Bottle?: No
Truth or Dare?: Yes
Went to a Carnival?: No
Went to a sporting event?: Yes
Fought a guy?: No
Fought a girl?: No
Put someone in a hospital?: No
Drank till you passed out?: No
Tipped a cow?: No
Laughed so hard you cryed?: Yes
Laughed so hard you couldn't walk?: Yes
Broke a bone?: No
Done a flip or cartwheel?: Yes
Watched a documentary without falling asleep (BlairWitchProject dont count): Yes
Screamed so loud you woke the neighbors up?: No
Got attacked by a wild animal?: No
Ran naked through the streets?: No
Skiny Dipped?: No
Went to a nude beach?: No
Picked up roadkill?: No
Caught a snake or frog?: Yes
Built a car model?: Kind of
Won a race?: Yes
Had a party?: Yes
Went to a party?: Yes
Made out in a library?: No, but that's a good one :)
Talked to a random stranger?: No
Went to Las Vegas?: No
Ate a bug?: Yes
Been a vegetarian?: No
Tryed witch craft?: No
Played a game for 5 hours straight?: No
Shared a special moment with someone you never thought you would of?: No
Went out with over 50 guys/girls?: No
Expiremented ith the opposite sex?: ?
Almost thought you died?: Yes
Fell up the stairs?: Yes
Ratted on yourself by accident?: Yes
Glued yourself to someone?: I think
Danced like a freak?: No
Drank a whole gallon of water?: No
Ate a big tub of ice cream?: Not yet
Had an al-night movie marathon?: No
3 Things
3 Things You cant live without
1.: Food
2.: Water
3.: Air
3 Things you want to do before you die
1.: Bowl a 300
2.: Go to Italy
3.: Stay up 24 hours
3 People you want to be with right now?
1.: Dave
2.: Caroline
3.: Meghan
3 Celebrities you'd like to meet: Okay
1.: I
2.: Don't
3.: Know
3 Careers you would love to do
1.: I'm
2.: Not
3.: Sure
3 things you would never eat or never eat again
1.: Still
2.: Not
3.: Sure
3 things you should be doing now
1.: Still
2.: Not
3.: Sure!
3 things you drank/ate last:
1.: Cheeseburger
2.: Root beer
3.: Cookies
3 things you did before doing this survey
1.: Cleaned my room
2.: Emptied my locker
3.: Ate a late lunch
3 movies you want to see right now or soon: Okay
1.: No
2.: Idea
3.: Still
A few more questions
Do you know what time you started?: No
What time is it now?: 3:51 pm
The date?: July 20, 2008
Did you take any breaks?: No
Did anyone/thing interupt you while doing this?: No
Did you like this survey?: Yes
Thank You and Have a good day/night

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