Monday, July 28, 2008

Long confessions survey


Name?: Bri
Age?: 13
Gender?: Female
Height?: 5"3
Hated your name?: No
Hated how you look?: No
Been in a wet t-shirt contest?: No
Ate over 10 hotdogs?: No
Ate raw eggs?: No
Pet a spider?: No
Killed an animal?: No
Tripped over yourself?: Yes
Asked a stupid question that made you want to hit yourself?: Yes
Woke up and went out just like that?: Yes
Burned a cd?: Yes
Made a volcanoe?: No
Made a snowman?: Yes
An igloo?: No
Dressed really bundeled up in hot weather?: No
Been to Paris?: No
Been to Nigeria?: No
Went skiing?: Yes
Won a car race?: No
Done a handstand?: Yes
Broke your foot?: No
Cut yourself on a plastic cup?: No
Drank so much you felt like you were a water fountain?: No
Spewed milk out of your nose?: Yes
Cryed so hard you got a headache?: Yes
Wanted to scream out of a fit of joy?: Yes
Got hit by a car?: No
Sued someone?: No
Burnt a piece of toast?: Yes
Ate something green and slimy?: No
Dated the same sex?: No
Pulled a muscle while skipping?: Yes
Did pushups on gravel?: No
Got to the center of a tootsie pop?: Yes
Been probed by aliens?: No
Intended on going on a shopping spree and ended up buying onething?: Yes
Ate an apple with a worm in it?: No
(For guys) Scream liked a little girl?: N/A
Befriended a rat?: No
Ran around your house in your underwear?: idk
Painted a masterpiece?: No
Been brainwashed?: Yes
Gave a Hobo more than 10 dollars?: No
Brought home a pig?: No
Pretended you were an eagle and ran of the roof of your house?: No
Sold drugs?: No
Gambled on someones life?: No
Betted that you could go outside like a freak of a hotel room?: No
Drank a frozen bevcerage without getting a brain freeze?: Yes
Been pregnant?: No
Been chained down?: No
Knocked someones lights out?: No
Got entertained by a shiny object?: Yes
Bought something you could not afford?: Yes
Ate deodarant?: No but my sister has. We thought she was the only one :D
Bungee jumped?: No
Pelted a snowball in someones face?: Yes
Caused someone to go blind?: No
Lifted something so heavy you fell to the ground?: No
Broke something you never thought you could?: No
Went out with someone you never thought you would?: Yes
Trained a monkey to do cartwheels?: No
Taught an old dog nw tricks?: Yes
Rode a horse?: Yes
Kicked a priest?: No
Bent over in the shower (lol)?: No
Swam like a dolphin?: No
Prtended you were a fireman?: No
Threw something at someone and missed them by an inch?: Yes
Grew your fingernails long?: No
Felt like you were dying?: No
Got into a car accident?: Yes
Looked at your fingerprint?: Yes
Had a sickness for 3 months?: No
Won a pie eating contest?: No
Brushed your teeth upside down?: No
Tried chocolate covered banana?: No
Threw up on purpose?: No
Cheated on someone?: No
Cheated in monopoly?: Yes
Ate a whole box of cereal in one day?: No
Been to the beach in a skimpy bathing suit?: idk
Grossed someone out so bad they couldn't look at you anymore?: No
Played croquet?: No
Been to a ballet recital?: Yes
Robbed someone?: No
Went to a restaurant and found a hair in your food?: Yes
Got the small pox?: No
Scratched an area so hard you tore skin off?: No
Had a 2nd degree burn?: No
Tried to make a joke and found you were the only one laughing?: Yes
Insulted someone by accident and they wouldn't accept your apology?: No
Wanted to punch the pope?: No
Had to pee so badly you did the most rediculous dance in public?: No
Hypnotized someone?: No
Went to a hippie concert?: No
Wore one color for an entire day?: No
Stuck a Q-tip up your nose?: No
Ate your pets food?: Yes
Climbed a high fence and actually got over the other side?: No

Fill out this survey yourself
Find a different survey
Brought to you by Bzoink

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